KUMICOV ILLUSTRATION  イラストレーターKumicovのイラストレーション

Kumicov クミコフ

福岡県出身。東京造形大学デザインI類卒。映像プロダクション、デザイン事務所を経てイラストレーターになりました。 ユーモアあふれる動物やシュールでのんびりとした人々、ノスタルジックで耽美な青年をモチーフに仕事をしております。イラストレーターズ通信会員


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(研究として。政治的な思考には同意しません) 仕事以外のイラストレーションは
History Notesをご覧ください。


当サイトの画像、記事、その他全ての著作権は全てKumicovに帰属します。 無断での転用は御遠慮下さい。


Illustrator Kumicov

Kumicov has been worked at the bookcover artwork and the book illustration. Kumicov was born in Fukuoka, Japan and learned in Tokyo Zokei (Art and Design) University. She is the member of the Professional Illustrators Group, Illustrators Tsushin.
Kumicov has 2 painting styles: "Style A" is funny and cute with cartoony tecnique. "Style B" is the nostalgic which portrayed the artworks by western technique.

On a personal basis, Kumicov has been working on illustration productions of old historical European uniforms for own original story project by using Style B. It's the omnibus stories from the end of 19th century to 1945. This project is history searching and learning for her story-making. Kumicov has never any political thoughts and will never agree with such things.
In 2018 summer, Kumicov joined in COMITIA125 which is the original comics / goods festival at Tokyo. If you are interested in her History artworks and articles, you can visit in her History Blog "History Notes".

If you would like to order her an illustration, please send her a message to info☆kumicov.com (Please change from☆to@). And Kumicov is also vintage or natural perfume lover. If you would like to read about her perfume review, please check her perfume blog "The Scent of Fops".

Thank you for reading.

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